Ask For Help Don't Fight Alone

Pain Isn't Always visible Poster in English
Pain Isn't Always Visible, BFA Poster English 1 (Digital Work)


Pain Isn't Always visible Poster in Spanish
El Dolor No Siempre es Visible, BFA Poster Spanish 2 (Digital Work) 


BFA Poster English 2 image
Have You Hugged A Loved One Battling Depression Today?, BFA Poster English 2 (Digital Work)
BFA Poster Spanish 2 image
¿Has Abrazado Hoy a Un Ser Querido que Lucha Contra la Despresión?, BFA Poster Spanish 2 (Digital Work)
Its ok not to be ok Poster in English
It's Ok not to be OK BFA English Poster (Digital Work)


Its ok not to be ok Poster in Spanish
Está BIEN NO estar BIEN. Así que habalemos, BFA Spanish (Digital Work)
BFA Poster English 4
Ask For Help, Don't Fight Alone, BFA Poster English 4 (Digital Work)
BFA Poster Spanish 4 image
Pida Ayuda, No luches solo, BFA Poster Spanish 4 (Digital Work)


My BFA poster focus is on depression and the need for emotional ÃÛÌÒtv, which is more important than ever. My BFA project means a lot to me because I want to aid individuals who don't know where to turn for assistance.

At the start of the pandemic, I had a severe problem: I had to deal with the deaths of close friends and relatives in my area. I fell behind in class work as a result of my sorrow and anxiety. I want everyone to be able to receive the same degree of attention that I did from my close friends and family. My project's goal is to raise awareness and give assistance to individuals in my neighborhood.

My community is Hispanic, and folks in my community don't know where to turn for ÃÛÌÒtv. I intended to develop a solution that would solve the public health dilemma. My solution is to create posters that will lead individuals in need of assistance as well as those who wish to assist. The poster will be in both English and Spanish.

The designs and illustrations on each of the posters represent unique notions of what I felt while I was depressed, as well as what others in my community who have coped with depression have experienced.