School of Business Student Achievement

Undergraduate: Four-Year Completion for First-Time, Full-Time, Freshman for ACBSP Accredited Programs

Program Cohort 
 Fall 2017 Fall 2018Fall 2019
BS Acct 30%27%40%
BS Finc30%47%21%
BS Mktg12%32%16%
BS Mgmt25%20%29%
BS Supply Chain *0%0%20%

*newly accredited as of 2023.

Graduate: Students Two-Year Completion for Newly Enrolled, Full-Time Students for ACBSP Accredited Programs

Program Cohort 
 Fall 2022Fall 2021Fall 2020
MS Acct65%54%43%
Ms Busi An Data Sci*33%50%29%
MBA Finc75%40%17%
MBA OML25%29%25%

*newly accredited as of 2023.

Accredited programs of the School of Business are noted and are accredited by the Accreditation Council of Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
First-Time, Full-Time Freshman Graduates w/in 4 Years for ACBSP Accredited Programs bar chart
SoB Student Achievement Page tables_Info table 2
Graduation w/in 2 Years Newly Enrolled Graduate Students ACBSP Accredited Programs bar chart