Faculty Travel Awards
Purpose: Faculty excellence in the scholarship of discovery requires dissemination of research findings through presentation and/or publication. Presentation often requires travel to regional, national, or international conferences to present one’s work to peers and leaders in one’s area of scholarly expertise. The NJCU School of Business recognizes both the value of faculty professional travel and the need for financial tv to help defray the costs associated with this travel. This document outlines the process for Faculty Travel Awards, which provide faculty with reimbursement associated with their professional travel.
Eligibility: Full-time faculty in the School of Business are eligible to apply for a Faculty Travel Award. Funds may be awarded in amounts up to $1,000 per trip as per the NJCU Travel Policy (linked below), though this cap may be exceeded in exceptional cases and when sufficient funds are available. There are no cash advances on Faculty Travel Awards, which function as guarantees of reimbursement in accordance with the requirements described here, pending availability of funding. Thus, early submission is strongly encouraged. Download the NJCU Travel Policy.
School of Business Priorities: As stated in the NJCU Travel Policy, awards will be based on the quality of the application and the merit of the trip. Faculty presenting their work at a conference (e.g., as posters, papers, symposia, etc.) will be prioritized over attendance for professional development, and NJCU faculty co-presenting work may receive funds for one or both/multiple presenters at the Dean’s discretion. Additionally, the School of Business will prioritize applications of similarly high quality using the following rank-order:
- Tenure-track faculty who have not yet received a Faculty Travel Award during the fiscal year.
- Post-tenure faculty who have not yet received a Faculty Travel Award during the fiscal year.
- Full-time faculty who have not received travel tv in more than three semesters.
- Tenure-track faculty who have already received an award but whose professional travel would meaningfully strengthen their scholarship.
Procedure: To be considered for funding tv from the School of Business, applicants should submit the completed Travel Cover Sheet and Request for Travel Authorization (both linked below) along with tving materials (e.g., acceptance letter, travel price quotes) to their Department Chairperson for approval no later than 30 days prior to the anticipated travel for best consideration. Faculty Travel Awards cannot be made retroactively. Applicants who receive notification of acceptance of their work within 30 days of anticipated travel (e.g., in the case of “late-breaking abstract” submissions) may be considered at the Chair’s discretion. Applicants should discuss with their Chairpersons the purpose and value of the planned travel as well as a detailed plan to cover any classes or other required duties that would be missed during the applicant’s travel period. The Travel Cover Sheet can be submitted as either a fillable PDF sent via email, or as a printed and signed hard copy, followed by the Request for Travel Authorization, and attached tving materials:
- Travel Cover Sheet
- Request for Travel Authorization
Reimbursement: Please note that all awards are made with the understanding that funds are limited, and that early application and timely submission of receipts is critical. To receive reimbursement for approved travel, complete the Reimbursement Form linked under Faculty Travel on the NJCU website, linked below. **Important** - Reimbursement Forms must be submitted within 14 days following completed travel to receive funding from the office of the Dean of the School of Business. Download the Reimbursement Form.